Promotion and pricing brochures for one client’s multiple venues, which include a Chapel, Hall, Community Center, Parks and Fields. Available in both print and digital versions on the website, social media and in email outreach.
International Medical Supply general branding, ad. Used as part of a trade show theme, in industry publications and outreach in B2B communications.
Retail payment vendor rolling out new product innovation at an annual trade show/conference events. Brochure included pocket folder so appropriate messaging could be compiled/built to customers’ needs.
International water filtration company brochure folder designed as cross-product collateral so appropriate messaging could be compiled/built to customers’ needs. Refreshed brand imaging and messaging.
International water filtration company unveiling a new line of products for the food industry. Used as trade show theme, in print ads and for brochures.
Series of Land Buyers Guides with consumer educational information, including frequently asked questions. Used in print for trade show/seminar handout and digital version online as a giveaway promotion for interested consumers and available via download with name, email sign-up.
Branding ad to promote recreational land sales in Minnesota. Depicts seasonal recreational opportunities (hunting) and showcases preferred broker/sales team. “No Matter What Your Vision Is”, Binocular Man” campaign; circa 2017-18.
Branding ad to promote recreational land sales in Minnesota. Depicts seasonal recreational opportunities (hunting) and showcases preferred broker/sales team. “Buy Our Land for Play. Own it for Life campaign; circa 2016.
Branding ad to promote recreational land sales in Minnesota. Depicts seasonal recreational opportunities and showcases preferred broker/sales team. “In all Seasons” campaign; circa 2015.
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